What Are the Credit Cards You Recommend for People With Good Credit?
We went out there and researched the best credit cards on the market, consider things like interest rates, rewards points, fees, and the like. You can see our recommended list of credit cards for people with strong credit here.
And keep the following in mind:
1. In our program, we recommend that you have three to five credit cards. If you are going to apply for more than one credit card to reach this goal, apply for them all at once. Part of your credit score is based on the age of your accounts. If you open one now, and then wait six months to open another, you will lower the average age of your accounts.
2. If you are married, do not apply for credit jointly with your spouse. You and your spouse should each apply for three cards.
3. If you have more than five cards, do not close them. This will hurt your score, and it will never help your score.
4. Don’t put this off! The longer you wait to start building your credit score, the longer your credit score will suffer.