The 7 Magic Words

In last week’s post, I told you about how I do odd things to get exposure to people who can inspire me and help me make important shifts in my life…
My point was this: If you want to change your financial circumstances, you could consider surrounding yourself with people who are going to help you get out of debt, fix your credit score, or increase your savings. By getting exposure to these people, you will naturally be exposed to ideas, habits, and activities that will help you change paths.
These people come in all shapes and sizes. You could decide to start having a weekly conversation with your sister- in-law, who is a master at budgeting and living on a shoestring. If you are a mortgage broker who just can’t make ends meet, you could find a mortgage broker who figured out how to make money in this economy.
Or you might want a mentor who can help you make other important shifts in your financial life or even in your career…
So if you are looking to meet with the Zig Ziglars, Ken Carters, and Rick Carusos of the world, I thought I’d pass along a strategy I use.
It’s called the 7 Magic Words, and I’ve used the strategy to get in front of all sorts of people…
So what are these seven magic words that will help you get exposure to the people you need to meet?
Here they are:
“What can I do to support you?”
These seven magic words open all sorts of doors.
Let’s say you are an employee at a large company. You want to have lunch with the head of the company, but he’s a busy man, and you are just one more face in the crowd.
Imagine what would happen if you sent your boss an email that said something like this …
Dear Steve:

What can I do to support you?

I want to be a superstar employee— someone who is with this company for many years; someone who becomes an integral part of the team. So what can I do to contribute more to the company?

Can I take you to lunch and find out more about you and your ideas for the company?

I know you are busy, and that your time is important. This week, I have $25 in disposable income. I know it isn’t a lot, and it certainly won’t compensate you for your time, but I’d be happy to donate it to a charity of your choice if you could spare an hour for a lunch meeting. And if you don’t have time for lunch, maybe we could grab coffee and talk for 15 minutes.


If you promised to give your last $25 to your boss’s charity, do you think he or she would take notice of you? And do you think he or she would be willing to consider you for a raise or promotion when a spot opened up? I know I would!
Of course, if you are up to your neck in debt, you might not want to donate $25 to charity. No problem—let your boss know that you’ll donate five hours to a charity of his or her choice! Or do something—anything—to let your boss know that you are driven and want to move your life forward.
As always, let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment below!
Philip Tirone