In and Of Itself, a Credit Score Is Meaningless, by 720 Credit Score

I know how weird it might seem to some people that my credit emails and my blog are oftentimes about my personal life…
And while I know that people want (and desperately need) practical advise on how to deal with the confusing and critical world of credit scoring, I also know that ultimately, everything boils down to a person’s personal life.
In and of itself, a credit score is meaningless. More important than a three-digit number is how a person, or a family, uses it to enrich a life.
So with that said, thank you for allowing me to share yet another personal story—a story I believe has relevance in your own life.
My two oldest kids (Ava, who is six, and Dom, who is five) started school this year. And it just feels … so permanent. There’s no going back now. My babies are kids, and now, more than ever, we have to make sure that the culture inside our home is stronger than the culture outside our home.
We have had our share of trials as parents. We have four kids, and the oldest is six, so that brings its own set of challenges. The first few years of our life as a couple and then a young family were rocky. I had been in the mortgage industry, and all that took a nosedive in 2008 and 2009, right as our family was growing to include Ava and Dom.
Since then, we’ve had the normal problems any couple faces: Lily and I haven’t always been on the same page as parents. We’ve lost loved ones and grieved as we parted ways with dear friends.
But all that pales in comparison to the challenges before us.
Our kids are starting school, so there’s only so much we can do to control the external forces. Our focus has to be on making sure the internal forces are accompanied by rock-solid values.
Then, over Labor Day weekend, I read an article in a Canadian paper that put some of my emotions to words. One of the people interviewed for the article said …
“January 1 isn’t really the beginning of the year for most families. [The beginning of the year] tends to be Labour Day because everything starts fresh again. September seems to be the reset button for most families.”
It’s true, isn’t it? When the summer ends and kids go back to school, families revert to their routines. We set goals and start thinking about what’s going to happen next.
For us, with our kids starting school, it feels like a giant reset button on life in general. With our oldest kids at school, it’s time for us to set some new goals with this new context in mind.
Life has shifted, as so too must our goals.
What about you? Is this a good time for you to take stock of your life and make shifts? What has changed since the last time you set goals?
And what can we do to support you?
At, one of our main goals is to help you find ways to strengthen your financial life, mindful that the final goal is a happy, successful personal life. We invite you to let us know if there is any information that you think we should include on our site that might help you along the way.
If there are, please leave a comment below..
And remember: A high credit score is a powerful tool that can help you live an easier life, but it is not a reflection of who you are as a person. A great credit score is meaningless if you aren’t using it to support your deepest values.