Credit Basics
This is your ultimate resource for credit reporting, credit cards, bankruptcy, collections, and all things related to improving your credit score and keeping your hard-earned money in your own pockets!

Success Stories
Nine months after Bankruptcy, has a 720 Credit Score.
Purchased an apartment building after following our course.
Credit score before starting the course was 545, and after the program it's at 715.
Able to purchase a Mercedes for $25 more per month than a Ford Mustang from following our program.
Credit score before program was 635, and now it's at a 785.
Bankruptcy and Your Credit Score
I'm so ashamed of my Bankruptcy, what do I do?
How do I get something off my credit report that was included in my Bankruptcy?
My credit has gone from 538 to 693 in six months after my Bankruptcy, Thank you!
I finished my Bankruptcy a month ago, what are my next steps? Will my fiancés' credit be impacted?
I'm a Veteran coming out of Bankruptcy, when can I buy a home?
How long after a Bankruptcy do I need to wait to get credit cards?
How do I buy a car after my Bankruptcy?
When do I start rebuilding my credit after my Bankruptcy?
I filed Bankruptcy and my mortgage is no longer reporting on my credit report. What do I do?
I received a collection notice after my Bankruptcy. How do I handle it?
Credit Cards and Your Credit Score
Do I really need three credit cards?
I've been late on my credit card for 90-days. What do I do?
What if I close down my secured credit card after I raise my credit score?
Do I need to keep a balance on my credit cards?
I have three credit cards, will it hurt to keep one at $0 balance?
I can't get a credit card after my bankruptcy, what do I do?
Credit Scoring
What credit scores are real? Why the difference?
What do all the different credit scores mean?
Credit Rebuilder
How does your credit rebuilder program work?
What is the Platinum Review (this comes with the Credit Rebuilder Program)?
How do I get access to the Video Credit Lessons?
My husband is in an active Chapter 13, can he still enroll into your Credit Rebuilder Program?
Errors and Your Credit Score
I have an error on my credit report that is not coming off, what should I do?
How do I remove an error from my credit report that was included in my Bankruptcy?
Charge Offs and Your Credit Score
I received a collection notice after my Bankruptcy. How do I handle that?
I have old collection accounts. Should I pay them?
Will a validation letter work with Midland Collection?
Student Loans and Your Credit Score
Can student loans be discharged in bankruptcy?
I have a student loan that is deferred and now my payments are too high. How will this impact my credit?
Do student loans count as an installment loan?
Home Loans and Your Credit Score
My mortgage is not reporting on my credit report after my bankruptcy, what do I do?
How long do I have to wait to buy a house?