Author: Natalie Sanchez

Errors After Bankruptcy

About 50% of our post-bankruptcy clients have an error on their credit report and with these errors, your credit score will not improve.  Here is how we can help you fix it:
Step 1:  Order Your Score
In our 7 Steps program we discuss ordering a FICO score, however, since we are not looking for a credit score, this is the best report for identifying post-bankruptcy errors.  The best report for this, is the government created website.
When you get there, they are going to attempt to sell you your credit scores; save your money.
You have three options to get these reports:
1)  Online at  If you order them online, download them into a PDF to save them on your computer.
2)  Call them at the numbers below, and they will mail them to you.

  • Experian: (888) 397-3742
  • Transunion: (800) 888-4213
  • Equifax: (800) 685-1111

3)  Mail in your order, you can download the order form here:
Step 2: Review For Errors
Once you get your credit report, review them for these most common errors:
Bankruptcy Information:

  • Late payments that are showing after your bankruptcy filing date.
  • You are still getting collection calls and letters on debt that was included in your bankruptcy.
  • Your credit report still shows debt that was included in your bankruptcy, and not listed as “Discharged in Bankruptcy,” with a $0 balance.
  • Your credit report shows your spouse’s bankruptcy, when they didn’t file.
  • Your credit report shows that you filed a bankruptcy, but does not show what kind (Chapter 7 or 13).
  • Your credit report shows a bankruptcy that was filed over 10 years ago.

Personal Information:

  • Your credit report shows a wrong social security number, date of birth, address, or an alias.
  • Your credit report is listing you as married, when you are not.


  • Late payments that shouldn’t be there, or are reporting the wrong date.
  • Car loan that shows “repossessed” when you returned the vehicle voluntarily.
  • Account that does not belong to you.
  • Account that was charged off, but is being reported as open.


  • Someone pulled your credit when you have no relationship with them.

These are all illegal under our nations credit laws, and if any of these are happening, you can get these removed from your credit report for free.
When you get your credit report, review for each of these, and when you find one, simply email us at

Credit Cards After Bankruptcy

The purpose of this blog post is to summarize Lesson 2 in our 7 Steps Program, which is the most important part of rebuilding your credit score after bankruptcy.
If you want a 720 credit score in the next 12-24 months, you need to apply for three new credit cards.  Think about it this way… you are going to rebuild your credit by strategically placing new credit around your previously bad credit.
This does not mean you are going to charge large sums on each credit card, rather, you are going to simply charge a little each month, then pay it off immediately.  With this process, you will pay $0 in interest.
Since, 46% of credit cards have a negative impact on your score (according to a Federal Reserve Board Study), we have identified the credit cards that will help you rebuild your credit score, which are listed below.
Also, we do not recommend that you apply jointly for credit with your spouse, you can read about that here:
Follow these steps until you have three credit cards each:
Step 1:  Apply for one non-secured credit card here:
If you get approved, apply for another one, and then another (three total). If you get denied, go to Step 2.
Step 2:  Apply for a secured credit card here:
With a secured card, you will need to place money in their bank in order to be granted credit.  This will help your credit the same as a normal credit card, and in 6-12 months, you will be able to change the credit card to a traditional one.
If you don’t have money for a secured credit card, then go to Step 3.
Step 3: has partnered with a nationwide financing company in helping people rebuild their credit score after bankruptcy.  Everyone will be approved, you can read about it here.

Pay attention to #4 if you are married

When it comes to the number of credit cards in your wallet, there is a sweet spot that will provide you with the best FICO score.
After all, if you have too many credit cards, the credit-scoring bureaus worry that you might get yourself into a financial bind. If you have too few, they do not have enough information about your spending behavior.
So the credit-scoring bureaus give the best FICO scores to people who have three to five credit cards.
If you have fewer than three credit cards, or if you have more than five credit cards, here are some things to keep in mind:
1. If you need to open credit cards, make sure that you open credit cards that report to all three credit bureaus (Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian). Otherwise, your efforts will be for naught.
Here is a list of the best credit card offers out there that report to all three bureaus.
2. If you need to apply for more than one credit card to reach the three-to-five goal, apply for them all at once. Part of your credit score is based on the age of your accounts. If you open one now, and then wait six months to open another, you will lower the average age of your accounts.
3. If you have more than five credit cards, do not close them. Doing so could hurt your score by lowering the average age of your accounts. Instead, simply stop using the extra cards and allow them to become inactive.
4. Never apply for credit jointly with your spouse. You and your spouse should each apply for three to five cards so that you both build separate credit identities.
This is important in case you ever find yourself in a financial bind and unable to pay all of your bills. If you have joint credit cards, both of your credit scores will take a hit, but if you build separate credit profiles, only one spouse’s credit score will suffer. The other can be preserved and then leveraged for loans.
P.S. Remember: Make sure you apply for credit cards that report to all three of the credit bureaus. Here are some of our favorite credit card offers.

Why “cash-only” is for the birds

Here is a big myth: It’s better to be a cash-only citizen and shred all your credit cards.
The truth is that you need credit cards if you want to have a high credit score. The bureaus give the best scores to people who have between three and five cards.
If you do not have at least three cards, they do not have enough information to judge your spending and payment behavior, so they give you a low score. Better safe than sorry, they think.
If you have no credit cards and operate on a cash-only basis, you are going to be in for a world of hurt down the road when you decide to buy a house, rent a condo, or lease a car.
Fact: You need credit to build credit. 
If you have anything lower than a 720 credit score, and you have fewer than three cards, here is an easy way to increase your score: Apply for new credit cards. Then wait six months, and your score will start to improve.
Click here for a list of cards we have found for people who want to build their score quickly. These cards report to all three credit bureaus as well as report your proper credit limit to the bureaus.
Only cards that report to all three bureaus—Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian—will help your score. Here are a couple of links to card offers that definitely report to all three bureaus:
1) Best credit card offers for people with credit scores below 550.
2) Best credit card offers for people with credit scores that fall between 550 and 719.

Correct Errors To Rebuild Your Credit Score

The first step to rebuilding your credit is getting a copy of your credit report. Yes, I know that’s an extremely simple first step, but it is an essential one. When rebuilding your credit, it is wise to review your credit report at least once every six months. If your credit score is low, you may want to pull your credit report quarterly. This won’t negatively affect your credit score. After getting your credit report, look for errors. If there aren’t any, good! You can now focus on rebuilding your credit score. If there are errors address them immediately if they are severe. In Step Five of my program, I explain that almost 80 percent of people have errors on their credit report, and 25 percent of these errors are severe enough to cause a person to lose a loan or a job opportunity. This is one reason it is essential to know what’s on your credit report. When finding an error on your credit report, what should you do? First and foremost, if you think you are a victim of identity theft, call the three credit bureaus right away to put a freeze on your credit account. This way, no one else can open credit in your name. If the mistake doesn’t seem to indicate you are a victim of identity theft, you can start by filing an online dispute at each of the three credit bureaus. Following are the three credit bureau links:

If a bank or credit card company is responsible for incorrect information on your credit report, contact them. Ask them to investigate the mistake they reported to the credit bureaus. Make sure you have documentation to support your statements. One of the most common (and dangerous) errors you will find is an inaccurate credit limit. So why does an inaccurate credit limit hurt your credit score? The credit-scoring agencies give higher credit scores to people with lower utilization rates (your credit card balance as a percentage of your limit.) If your limit is, for instance, $2,000, and your balance is $600, you have a utilization rate of 30 percent. Maintaining a 30 percent utilization rate is good. It should improve your credit score. If your credit card company is reporting your limit as $1,000 instead of $2,000, this is an error. Your utilization rate will appear to be 60 percent (a $600 balance on a $1,000 limit). This is a bad utilization rate because it may seem that you rely on credit. This will cause your credit score to drop. Notify the credit bureaus of the error on your credit limit by filing a dispute with all three credit bureaus. At the same time, place a call or send a letter to your credit card company demanding they report your correct limit. Correcting errors help rebuild your credit score. After all major errors are corrected, get another copy of your credit report to verify it is error-free. If it is, focus on rebuilding your credit to increase your credit score. FYI: Your credit score will not decrease if you get a copy of your credit report. Inquiries into your credit score by lenders will cause a dent in your score, but you are not penalized for getting your own credit report. This is considered responsible financial behavior. Therefore, get your credit report as often as you desire to check for errors and/or to rebuild your credit score.

The Importance of Credit Card Balances and Active Credit Accounts

Why is your credit card balance important? Does it really matter? Should you use all your credit cards every month? What happens if you skip a month or two?
Knowing your credit card balances and keeping your credit accounts active are important because both are factors when computing your credit score.. If your goal is to increase your credit score, below are some tips concerning your credit card balances and keeping your accounts active.
One of the most frequently asked questions about credit is: Can I raise my credit score by paying off my debt?
The short answer is yes, but there’s a big caveat: You must keep your credit cards active.
Two of the factors that the credit-scoring bureaus consider when assigning credit scores are:

  • Your balance-to-limit ratio
  • Whether your accounts are active

Your balance-to-limit ratio—Credit-scoring bureaus award higher scores to people who have credit card balances that are no more than 30 percent of their overall limit. If your limit is $10,000, for instance, your balance should never exceed $3,000.
The first step to help students increase their credit score to 720 or above is to maintain a balance no greater than 30 percent of each credit card’s limit. This may seem insignificant but it shows the credit bureaus that you are in control of your spending habits.
30 percent is a great goal, but if you charge no more than 30 percent of your credit limit and pay that amount monthly, that’s even better. Your credit score will soon reflect your financial discipline by rewarding you with a credit score of 720 or above.
You may have heard, “It doesn’t matter how much you charge as long as you pay the full balance monthly.” This is not a true statement. It always matters when your credit card balance exceeds 30 percent of your credit limit. If you want to increase your credit score, know the importance of keeping your credit card balance less than 30 percent of your credit limit.
From a credit-scoring perspective, bureaus look at your credit-card balances as a snap shot in time, which means that if you have a credit card with a $2,500 limit and a $2,000 balance on the day your credit report is pulled, your score will be lower, even if you just sent in a check for $2,000 that simply has not cleared the bank.
When teaching students how to increase their credit score, I stress the importance of never exceeding 30 percent of their credit limit. If possible, I tell them to strive for a zero balance because the closer they can keep their balance to zero, the better!
The second step to help students increase their credit score to 720 or above is to keep their credit cards active. In my webinar, I explain the importance of keeping credit cards active when building and rebuilding credit. They must use their credit cards in order to build a credit history. Otherwise, the credit-scoring bureaus have no way of telling whether you are a responsible borrower.
Think of it this way: Let’s say you own an airplane. Does owning an airplane automatically get you a pilot’s license? No. To get a pilot’s license, you must take classes, demonstrate your ability to take off and land, log the required hours of flight practice, and get the proper certification.
Likewise, owning credit cards is not enough. You must prove you know how to use them wisely. This proof is your credit history because it demonstrates your financial discipline or lack of discipline. Credit-scoring bureaus base your credit score on your most recent credit activity. Therefore, use your credit cards regularly
So how do you keep a low balance on your credit cards while still keeping them active?
Simple. The ideal number of credit cards is between three and five major revolving credit cards. Let’s say you have four. Although you want to pay them off, you know keeping credit cards active will increase your credit score. Here is a strategy for raising your credit score while paying off your debt.

  1. Identify four bills that have a set monthly payment. For instance, your gym membership, magazine subscription dues, car insurance, and health insurance bills are probably the same amount each month.
  2. For each of your four credit cards, schedule an auto pay of one of these bills.
  3. Then, create an auto payment from your checking account to each credit card company. This auto payment should occur two days after the charges appear on your credit cards. For example, schedule your Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover Card auto payments after your gym membership, magazine dues, car insurance, and health insurance bills appear on the statements. Then create another level of auto payments so your checking account pays your credit card balances two days later.

This way you will never pay interest but will keep your credit cards active while paying credit card debt monthly.
So what about other debt like loans? Here’s a tip on how to build credit by getting small loans.
Let’s pretend you are going to buy new furniture. Assume you have enough money to buy the furniture outright, but the goal is to build your credit.
If the bank will report the loan as an “Installment Loan” to all three credit bureaus, it’s a great idea to finance part of the purchase. Then, pay the bill for six months before paying the remaining balance in full.
Let’s assume you finance $5,000 and pay 10 percent as an interest rate. Your monthly payments are $41.66. You pay these for six months before paying the balance in full. During these six months, your interest payments are small. The greatest benefit is a new item appears on your credit report as “Paid in Full” and “In Good Standing.”
If you have any other questions about credit, be sure to post them below.

What You Should Know Before Closing Credit Card Accounts

After learning the difference between traditional, secured, subprime, retail and major credit cards, you may want to close one or more of your credit cards, especially if you have more than five. If that’s your only solution to increasing your credit score, learn more about the credit process before closing an account.
Most credit scoring systems award a higher credit score to those who have no more than five credit cards. Before rushing to close an account, know the impact it will have on your credit score.
Here are a few basics about owning credit cards.
Fifteen percent of your credit score comes from the age of your credit accounts. The older your credit accounts are, the better it is for your credit score. Credit scoring systems consider the average age of your accounts. If possible, never close older accounts. If you do, you will drive down the average age of your accounts which will decrease your credit score.
Closing a credit card account may also affect your utilization rate. “Utilization rate” is the ratio of your credit card balance against your credit limit, expressed as a percentage. For example, if you charge $800 on a credit card with a credit limit of $2,000, your utilization rate is 40 percent. Credit-scoring bureaus reward people who have utilization rates below 30 percent. If you want to be rewarded by the credit scoring bureaus, always keep your utilization rate under 30 percent.
How does closing credit card accounts impact your utilization rate? If you transfer the balance on the account you want to close to another account, consider this first. If you decide to cancel a credit card and transfer the remaining debt to another card, you may cause the utilization rate on the second card to rise sharply.  This may cause your credit score to drop.
Leaving a balance on your card after canceling the account is worse than transferring a balance because you won’t have a credit limit to offset the balance owed. For example:  If you leave a $700 balance on the canceled card, your utilization rate will suffer dramatically since the limit on the card will be $0.
Develop a strategy to increase your credit score when you have more than five credit cards. Your best bet is to keep all of them active but pay them off every month. This is achieved with a budget. Plan which expenses you will pay with credit cards.
A steady history of payments will demonstrate to credit-scoring bureaus your ability to manage your accounts and will eventually improve your credit score. Pay special attention to the cards with the highest limits, oldest ages, and best interest rates. Be sure to keep these cards active, maintaining a utilization rate below 30 percent.
Retail credit cards, cards which can only be used at the designated company on the card, are an exception to the “keep-them-open” rule. There is no reason to purchase monthly from these stores. Letting a retail account go inactive may not be the ideal choice, but it should not be a cause for alarm unless it causes your credit score to drop. If that happens, call the retail store and to see if you can reactivate the card.

Bankruptcy: Should You Consider This Option?

When overwhelmed by debt, why should bankruptcy be a consideration for a temporary financial meltdown? It shouldn’t be considered if you can recover your financial footing quickly. But if there doesn’t seem to be any relief from your burden of debt, maybe you should consider bankruptcy.
Bankruptcy is a great concern for people struggling financially, especially when they’re doing all they can to stay afloat financially. Why would they willingly identify with people who may or may not have paid their bills on time? What does bankruptcy do for them except further their shame about their financial situation?
I have met many people who are against bankruptcy. They would rather continue struggling financially  than file bankruptcy and rebuild their financial lives.
One of the main hurdles for people I have spoken with is the stigma they associate with bankruptcy. Their next hurdle is waiting seven years or more for the bankruptcy to drop off their credit report. Mentally, they associate bankruptcy with seven years of financial death. I understand their fear of bankruptcy and their hesitancy in considering bankruptcy as an option.
Whenever someone asks me about bankruptcy, I consider their emotional and financial stress. No one wants a negative credit history or to be known as an irresponsible person not worthy of credit.
Here are a few ideas to consider when asking if bankruptcy is an option for you. First, you are freed from the constraints of your past credit history. Immediately after your bankruptcy is discharged, you can begin rebuilding your credit history.
Then there’s emotional peace in your home. You’re no longer stressed by creditors calling you all hours of the day, nor is there an endless stream of collection notices in your mailbox. While you should always repay debts you owe because it is the right and responsible thing to do, filing for bankruptcy may be the only way you can make a clean break from your overwhelming financial crisis.
Your beliefs play an important role when deciding whether you should file for bankruptcy. If you strongly believe in keeping your promises, accepting bankruptcy is an extremely hard decision for you. But sometimes bankruptcy is your best option.
If you are struggling financially and wondering, Should I file for bankruptcy? consider other alternatives:
Debt consolidation allows you to combine all your debts into one loan. One payment is certainly better than multiple payments or robbing Peter to pay Paul.
Loan modification programs and reductions in payments are another option for distressed homeowners. Contact the hardship department for your creditors and ask them to consider a change in terms to help you make it through the financial crisis you are experiencing. Some banks are willing to accept reduced payments. They know that many people are teetering on the verge of bankruptcy. In fact, you might want to call your mortgage lender and ask: “Considering my current financial distress, is bankruptcy a viable option or can I qualify for a loan modification program?” Rather than having all your debt discharged during a bankruptcy, many creditors will simply lower your payments. After all, something is better than nothing.
Should I file for bankruptcy if none of these options are available?
If you have exhausted all options, you may want to consider filing bankruptcy, especially if you face the possibility of losing property. Bankruptcy enables many people to hold on to their property despite their financial woes. Before deciding if bankruptcy is for you, evaluate your finances. If you cannot meet the minimum monthly payments for your bills, filing for bankruptcy will stop the late fees and interest on your past due accounts. Bankruptcy also gives you an opportunity to learn from past mistakes and apply what you’ve learned when making a new start. Emotionally, you’ll feel better because you won’t have to worry about harassment from creditors, losing sleep, or worrying about your debts.
A bankruptcy on your credit report will definitely lower your credit score, but so will late payments, no payments, repossessions, and collection accounts.
After you’ve filed bankruptcy and the bankruptcy is discharged, you must immediately begin to rebuild your credit. The 720 Credit Score program teaches students how to properly rebuild their credit after bankruptcy or a financial meltdown. Some students who have followed the guidelines in the program have been able to purchase a home two years after bankruptcy! A bankruptcy cannot limit your future financial success if you establish good financial habits, change your spending habits and pay your bills on time. You can achieve financial stability after a bankruptcy.
Your decision as to whether or not to file bankruptcy is a personal one. Learning how to create a budget and sticking with it is always a financial advantage. Seriously consider all of your options and that includes bankruptcy before making a strategic choice. If bankruptcy is your best option, begin the process today!

How Your Credit Score Affects Your Future Job Application

Do you have a job? If your answer is yes, great! There’s no need to worry about your credit score. If you don’t have a job, are you satisfied with your current credit score? Will your future employer be satisfied with your credit score?
Why should an employer consider your credit score? Because it allows him or her a glimpse into your character and also lets them know if you’re a trustworthy person.
Inc. Magazine shared a statistic which is not favorable for job seekers with poor credit scores. According to the survey cited by the magazine, about 60 percent of employers occasionally run credit checks on potential job applicants. If employers are searching for the best employees, they will probably select an employee with a high credit score.
Competition for jobs is growing! With the current high unemployment rate, people with low credit scores should be concerned, especially if the position they desire involves managing money. Employers look for employees who can add value to their company. When considering credit scores, some employers may be hesitant to hire employees with a poor credit score because it can be a sign of irresponsibility. Therefore, they may not offer a job to a candidate with bad credit.
Don’t despair if your credit score is low because there’s still hope! There are two rules which can offset your low credit score.
Credit Scores and Jobs Rule 1: Highlight other areas of your life which demonstrate you are a responsible person. If you’ve ever been entrusted with the treasurer position in a nonprofit organization, tell your potential employer. He or she needs to know others have trusted you to manage their funds. Also, don’t forget to share a glowing letter of recommendation from a previous employer, especially when it compliments you for tasks that required a tremendous amount of trust, loyalty, and responsibility.
Credit Scores and Jobs Rule 2: Your credit score may be overlooked if you give truthful examples of your trustworthiness, especially if you can explain the events which caused your bad credit. Be up front and open with a potential employer before he or she runs your credit report. They already know the effects of a sluggish economy on personal and business finances. Your transparency might make them more sympathetic to your circumstances. Pitch your situation as a learning experience. Tell the employer what you’ve learned and how you have grown from the experience.
Make a commitment to rebuilding your credit. The results will be obvious when your credit score increases. If you walk into a job interview armed with facts about your credit score, how you have turned over a new leaf, and what your credit report indicates about your current behavior, a potential employer might be impressed that you overcame adverse circumstances, especially if those extenuating circumstances stemmed from the recession.
Credit checks can be stressful for job applicants with a poor credit score. It may appear that credit checks are another way to eliminate applicants who may otherwise be qualified for a job. Refuse to accept that thought. Instead, be open and transparent because great employers value an honest account of your situation.
When it comes to credit scores and jobs, be sure you are ready to be forthright about your past mistakes and able to offer evidence of your progress. In doing so, you allow employers to look past that three-digit number and offer you the job.