If your credit score is trashed, the last thing you probably want on your credit report is a bunch of credit inquiries after bankruptcy. Won’t this tell the credit-reporting bureaus that you are planning on returning to your old habits?
To some extent, yes. Each time you apply for credit, a creditor makes an inquiry into your credit report, and this causes your score to drop. One of the bankruptcy facts is that the credit-scoring systems will be keeping an eagle-eye on your behavior, and applying for credit is a big warning sign that you are up to your old habits.
So what are your supposed to do? Live as a cash-only citizen? This might sound good in theory, but it is highly impractical. You can barely get a cell phone without a credit card, much less reserve a hotel room or a rental car.
The truth of the matter is that credit inquiries after bankruptcy are a necessary part of building credit. The key is to be strategic about how you open new lines of credit and deal with credit inquiries.
The strategy might shock you. In short, your strategy should be to get it over with. Apply for all the credit you will need, and get all the credit inquiries on your credit report at once. I have three reasons for this:
Credit Inquiries After Bankruptcy—Fact #1: You need to start to repair credit after bankruptcy as soon as possible. This means you need to open credit cards, and you need to start building a positive credit history that shows the credit-scoring bureaus that your bankruptcy allowed you to start anew.
Credit Inquiries After Bankruptcy—Fact #2: Credit inquiries stay on a person’s credit report for only two years, but they affect a person’s score for only one year. If you have declared bankruptcy, your credit score is already trashed. Get the credit inquiries over and done with now rather than waiting to tarnish your credit report later. In fact, the only way to get your score to increase is to apply for credit and use it wisely.
Credit Inquiries After Bankruptcy—Fact #3: Every time you open a new account, the average age of your credit history drops. And credit-scoring bureaus like older accounts more than they like newer accounts. If you apply for new credit today, the accounts will be a year old this time next year. If you wait to apply for new credit, the accounts cannot start growing old because they do not exist.
Let’s take a look at how this works by considering Andy and Bob. Both of them have declared bankruptcy. Both of them decide to open three new credit cards as part of their plan to rebuild credit. But they go about it differently.
Andy decides to just get it over with, so in 2010, he opens three credit cards. By 2013, the inquiries had fallen off his credit report. And the average age of his credit accounts was three years.
Bob decided to open the credit cards in stages. He knew that credit inquiries count for about 10 percent of a person’s credit score, so he wanted to space out the damage. By 2013, he had three credit cards: one that was a month old, one that was 13 months old, and one that was 25 months old. The average age of his accounts was just 13 months. And he had a recent credit inquiry that was being factored into his score.
And guess who had the better score? Andy, who knew that credit inquiries after bankruptcy were necessary.
One thing to keep in mind about credit inquiries after bankruptcy: Your score will never be damaged if you pull your own credit report. The credit-scoring bureaus know that people need to monitor their own credit scores, and they consider this responsible behavior. If you need to pull your credit score, be sure to read this article about the credit score scale.
Author: br_admin
How to Remove a Bankruptcy From Credit Report
Question: Can you give me the specifics on how to remove a bankruptcy from credit report?
Answer: This blog post is going to be completely different than every other blog about how to remove a bankruptcy from credit report.
Let me begin with one assumption: Your bankruptcy is legitimate, meaning that you are not some victim of identity theft whereby the bankruptcy on your credit report belongs to someone else.
With that assumption, here is my answer: You cannot get it removed, and you should not worry about getting it removed. Let me explain.
1) You don’t need to learn how to remove a bankruptcy from credit report. Most people think that after bankruptcy, your credit is ruined for seven years. That is simply not true. If you reestablish your credit properly after bankruptcy, you can have a 720 Credit Score in just two years after the bankruptcy.
2) If you go through the process of finding out how to remove a bankruptcy from credit report, you will run into lots of unscrupulous organizations who will charge you to have the bankruptcy removed. The organizations that tell you that they can remove a bankruptcy from your credit report often offer a “100% money back guarantee.” The truth is that you won’t be able to get your money back. There are no legal ways to remove a legitimate bankruptcy from your credit report, so save you money and avoid these scams.
3) That’s right, it is illegal. According to the FTC, it’s illegal to get an item off your credit report that is correct.
Here is the one simple solution that works every time: Reestablish your credit after a bankruptcy the same way you established credit the first time. Just start now, don’t wait even one day.
Learning how to fix credit is simple, just keep in mind that it’s going to take you between 18-24 months to get a credit score over 720 assuming you do it the right way. The biggest mistake people make is wiping their hands of all credit.
I would love to offer (free of charge) my video series on how to build credit and reestablish credit after bankruptcy. If you find my information valuable, then you can enroll into my program on establishing credit after bankruptcy.
Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy
Like a lot of folks who start trying to rebuild credit after bankruptcy, you might be thinking of wiping your hands clean of credit. And it might make sense that the fastest way to move past the bankruptcy is to stop relying on the loans and credit cards that precipitated the bankruptcy.
But contrary to popular belief, using credit appropriately in the wake of a bankruptcy is the best way to rebuild credit after bankruptcy. Of all the bankruptcy facts, this one might be the most important. Indeed, you might be able to build your score to 720 within a couple of years of declaring bankruptcy if you follow a smart plan to re-establish credit.
This twofold plan to learn how to fix credit starts by opening new lines of credit and concludes with paying your bills on time and in full.
Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy Rule #1: Open new lines of credit!
You might hear claims that you can have a bankruptcy wiped from your record. Beware of these claims! There is no legal way to wipe a bankruptcy from your credit report. That said, time does heal. The credit-scoring bureaus—Equifax, TransUnion, and Experian—are more concerned with your recent behavior than they are with your past behavior. The trick, then, is to persuade the bureaus to pay more attention to your recent good behavior than to your past behavior. By establishing new credit and using it responsibly, you can prove to the bureaus that you are a new person—that the bankruptcy forced you to change your habits and establish smarter financial strategies.
After you have declared bankruptcy, open three new credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, or American Express) and one installment loan as part of your plan to rebuild credit after bankruptcy. Taking out a car loan is not advisable, in part because of the high interest rates you would assume, but also because of the debt you would add to your credit report. Instead, buy a new appliance, piece of furniture, or electronic using an installment loan. Then pay the loan off within six months.
Keep the credit cards active by using them at least every other month. Make only small charges (preferably less than 10 percent of the limit), and pay the balances in full.
Of course, with both the credit cards and installment loan, be aware of high interest rates. Because of your bankruptcy, you will likely not qualify for the best interest rates, which is why I stress the importance of paying the balances in full as quickly as possible.
Another note about opening new accounts: Insomuch as it is possible, open these accounts all at once and as soon as possible after the bankruptcy. The credit-scoring bureaus respond best to accounts that have been open for long periods of time. Your future credit score will benefit best if you open the accounts now.
By opening these new lines of credit, you can begin to rebuild your credit after bankruptcy by giving the credit bureaus new information on which they can judge your creditworthiness. Show them you have changed your patterns of behavior.
In this way, you can immediately begin proving to the credit bureaus that the bankruptcy allowed you to turn over a new leaf and change your payment behavior.
Rebuilding Credit After Bankruptcy Rule #2: Never, never make a late payment!
After a bankruptcy, the credit-scoring bureaus will have an eye on you, even as your score begins to climb. If you make a payment that is even one day late, the bureaus will assume you are back to your old ways, and your progress will be for naught.
To best rebuild your credit after bankruptcy, you must pay your bills immediately every single month. This means that you must live within your means. Be sure to read our article about how to create a budget, find money, and establish habits that best afford you to bounce back after a bankruptcy.
How to File for Bankruptcy Without an Attorney
In an earlier post, we talked about how to find a good bankruptcy attorney to handle your bankruptcy; this week, we take a look at how to file for bankruptcy without hiring an attorney.
If your debts have grown too large to handle and you are constantly hounded by creditors, declaring bankruptcy may be the best way for you to make a new start. Most people hire an attorney to usher them through this confusing and complex process. An experienced bankruptcy attorney can also help debtors avoid costly mistakes or the forfeiture of their rights.
However, if you are financially strapped, you might be looking into how to file for bankruptcy without an attorney. This is called filing pro se.
The first thing you should know about filing pro se is this: Bankruptcy has serious long-term legal and financial ramifications. Before you decide to file pro se, make sure you do thorough research and avoid making mistakes that can deepen your financial problems. At a minimum, follow these six steps:
- Thoroughly research your bankruptcy options with respect to the different forms of bankruptcy available. Individuals usually file for either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. Chapter 7 involves a liquidation of most of your assets to pay off your creditors, while Chapter 13 bankruptcy can mean working out a payment schedule with creditors, which may enable you hold on to your house or car. In our free teleseminar, we offer more information about the different types of bankruptcy that are available, as well as the pros and cons of each.
- Do your homework. if you want to learn how to file for bankruptcy without an attorney, be sure to read up on the United States Bankruptcy Code and Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, as well as any rules in their state. Each state has different bankruptcy filing procedures and rules, so you will need to do some research to find out the specific items required for your state. Visit your local court’s web site to become aware of any relevant bankruptcy procedures in your area.
- Schedule credit counseling. If you declare bankruptcy, you must first undergo credit counseling within 180 days prior to declaring bankruptcy. After completing counseling, you must furnish a certificate of completion from an approved provider.
- List all your debts. You must provide an account all your debts and assets in your bankruptcy schedules as part of form B200. If a debt is not listed, it may not be discharged, so be careful to carefully list all debts, account numbers, and the name of the creditor. A bankruptcy judge is able to deny the discharge of debts if you destroy, defile, or obscure properties; fraudulently change records; or fail to tell the truth about assets. (Knowingly presenting false information during bankruptcy is considered a crime.)
- Watch out for problems. Filling out bankruptcy paperwork may seem relatively simple but avoid errors that could prove costly or cause your case to be dismissed. Make sure to list all your property, including assets like tax refunds and retirement funds and even intangible assets such as stock options and partnership interests. You should be careful not to bend the law in trying to transfer your assets to friends or relatives. Also, you may be able to find available exemptions for some of your assets.
- Seek legal help if you are unsure of any step along the way. If the process of learning how to file for bankruptcy without an attorney seems daunting or unclear, consider obtaining a bankruptcy attorney during and before the legal process. Many states offer free legal aid to debtors without financial resources, and you might be able to find a legal clinic or organization in your area that offers discounted legal assistance. Of course, you should always be on the lookout for bankruptcy scams!
Protecting Yourself from Common Bankruptcy Scams
Filing for bankruptcy can be a tricky process, and seeking the help of a bankruptcy expert is not a bad idea. Still, know that some unscrupulous companies will try to take advantage of your financial stress. Knowing what to look for will help you avoid these bankruptcy scams.
Some dishonest companies target people who are undergoing a bankruptcy. But instead of offering legitimate services, these bankruptcy scams profit from the desperation of people in the throes of financial crisis. These companies usually advertise on the Internet, in the newspaper, or directly contact people whose bankruptcies are indicated by public-record notices.
Some companies may charge you for services that you can do yourself. For example, these companies may charge you for pulling your credit report or finding a lawyer, two things you can do on your own, and probably for free. Other companies may offer to file a bankruptcy petition on your behalf. While there are some legitimate bankruptcy petition preparation businesses, many have a reputation for doing shoddy work and submitting petitions filled with errors. As a result, some judges may dismiss your petition outright, making an appeal difficult.
Even worse, many disreputable companies might make unlikely promises. For example, some will promise to remove your bankruptcy by working out a compromise with your creditors. You pay them a chunk of cash, which they promise to distribute to your creditors. When and whether they pay those bills is up for question. And more importantly, no one can remove a bankruptcy from your record!
The number one sign of bankruptcy scams is when the offer sounds too good to be true. There is no magic cure for bankruptcy. If the company is over-promising by saying they can make your bankruptcy disappear, they are not disclosing the full truth.
Also beware of any company that takes your money without informing you of your rights. These might be fly-by-the night bankruptcy scams who will disappear with your cash in their pockets. Call around and ask for referrals from bankruptcy attorneys and industry experts before settling on a bankruptcy company. You will likely have much more luck if you do the research rather than waiting for the company to find you.
How to Find a Good Bankruptcy Attorney
As you search for a good bankruptcy attorney, here are a few things to keep in mind.
Be careful not to fall victim to bankruptcy scams or bankruptcy mills, both of which will cost you money and cause more problems. Some disreputable operators will ask payment for things you can easily do yourself, and others, like bankruptcy mills, will often give you error-ridden, sloppy services that can make your bankruptcy more difficult to navigate. Most often, these operators will prey on your hopes and jeopardize your financial future. Instead, you should avoid cutting corners and make an attempt to find an experienced bankruptcy attorney who will help your case.
To find a good bankruptcy attorney:
- Start by asking around. Look for referrals from any friends or family members who have experienced bankruptcy. If you do not have any personal friends or family members whom you can ask for a referral, call on professional contacts in the industry. Another attorney, a mortgage broker, a banker, or a real estate agent you trust can refer you to a competent bankruptcy attorney.
- Do some research. Check with professional organizations such as the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys, the American Bankruptcy Institute, or a related local legal aid organization. Attend bankruptcy court and watch a few lawyers in action.
- Ask for references and related credentials. Once you find a bankruptcy attorney with whom you are comfortable, check his or her qualifications. Call the references and makes sure the attorney’s background is a good fit. Because bankruptcy law is specialized, it’s preferable to hire a lawyer who exclusively works in the field and will have a good idea about recent trends in your state or city.
- Interview no fewer than three bankruptcy attorneys. Ask prospective attorneys specific questions about their experience and workload. If for example, the attorney works on business bankruptcies, it may not be a good match for your personal bankruptcy. You should also make sure that you will have access to the bankruptcy attorney during the process. After all, you want to make sure the lawyer adequately addresses your case and doesn’t treat you like a number on the wall.
Of course, you can always decide to file without a bankruptcy attorney. But bankruptcy is a nerve-racking experience. A good bankruptcy attorney can help you navigate the process and put your life back in order. With the right attorney, your chances for getting on the fast track to financial stability are much better. And don’t forget: Once you have declared bankruptcy, start learning how to build credit so you can rebuild your credit score!
Keys to Avoid Bankruptcy
If you have lost a job or have experienced a financial catastrophe, you might be worried about your ability to pay your bills, wondering how to avoid bankruptcy. One of the unfortunate bankruptcy facts is that bankruptcy will leave a black mark on your credit report and will severely limit your options until you are able to repair credit after bankruptcy. Though sometimes it is the best choice to handle your financial situation, bankruptcy should be considered only after a thorough analysis of all of your other options that allow you to avoid bankruptcy entirely.
The most common trademark of those faced with an overwhelming amount of debt is the tendency to ignore the situation. By keeping your head buried in the sand, you are only causing the problem to worsen rather than seizing the opportunity to change your fate. Embarrassment is the reason many people give for the failure to address their financial problems. Unfortunately, some people may attach a stigma to bankruptcy, seeing as a sign of moral failing.
However, is you want to avoid bankruptcy, avoiding the problem is the worst thing you can do! And keep in mind that several prominent Americans, including Mark Twain and Walt Disney, have claimed bankruptcy. Sometimes bankruptcy may be precipitated by an unforeseen job loss, divorce, or medical crisis. Other times it may be due to poor business decisions or financial negligence. Whatever the reason, avoiding the problem will only make matters worse. The most important thing you can do is to decide to fight back because you do have options, even in the darkest of hours
To avoid bankruptcy, start by calling the hardship department for your bank. The incredible economic turmoil of recent months has lead to new priorities for the financial industry and newly available opportunities for you. Many banks are looking to work out alternative solutions instead of taking a huge loss. In the event of a bankruptcy, creditors will be left with nothing. Though lenders are not obligated to change the terms of your loans, by being proactive and asking, you might be able to work out an alternative payment plan or a loan modification to stave off bankruptcy.
In order to gain financial relief you might also consider consolidating your debts. Debt consolidation the combination of all your debts into one loan so that you make only one payment at a time. Depending on your circumstances, this can be a good way to regain stability and gradually repair your credit. You might also consider hiring a debt consolidation company, but be very careful or your money worries will be compounded by dodgy outfits that will rip you off.
Despite your best intentions, it may be impossible to avoid bankruptcy in some cases, and in others, considering all your bankruptcy options may be your best course of action. If you are trying to keep your head above water with a plan that is not working, bankruptcy might be preferable to more financial stress, harassing calls from collectors, and a burgeoning debt caused by an increasing load of interest and late fees. In this case, it’s easier to wipe the slate clean and start over. Additionally, depending on the type of bankruptcy you file for, you may be able to hold on to property.
The Forms of Bankruptcy Options
Question: What are the bankruptcy options for those who have been through a taxing financial crisis?
Answer: If your financial life is spiraling out of control, with late payment fees and interest multiplying faster than you can them, considering the bankruptcy facts might be the best option that allows you the room to piece your life back together and make a fresh start. Take a look at some of your bankruptcy options to see if this is a good choice for you and your situation.
Six types of bankruptcy exist: Chapters 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, and 15. However, only two of these are legitimate bankruptcy options for individuals, Chapters 9, 11, 12, and 15 are specialized bankruptcies for municipalities, business corporations, family farmers and fishermen, and international ancillaries, respectively.
Individuals usually file for one of two bankruptcy options: either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, depending on your level of debt and the assets you are trying to keep. Both bankruptcy options remain on your credit report for 10 years.
Individuals, corporations, or partnerships may file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which is also known as liquation or straight bankruptcy. In a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, all your assets are liquidated, and the proceeds from these sales go to your creditors.
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is intended for individuals with debts that do not exceed $1,230,650. Chapter 13 is considered less toxic to your credit score. A Chapter 13 bankruptcy involves working out a payment plan with creditors, resulting in creditors ceasing collection attempts. After you make the payments to the creditors, you can receive a discharge. The benefit of this option is that you can retain a leased car or a mortgaged house, but you need to repay all your remaining debts over a three- to five-year period or else creditors will confiscate your assets.
Because bankruptcy is such a complex process, it is highly recommended that you hire an attorney to discuss your bankruptcy options. Bankruptcy has important implications for your finances and for your legal status, so having an experienced bankruptcy lawyer can prevent you from making serious mistakes. For example, an attorney might be able to advise you about property that is exempt from asset collection in bankruptcy. As well, an experienced attorney can help you answer the important question: “Should I file for bankruptcy?”
If you so choose, you may be able to file on your own, or pro se. Be prepared to do a lot of work to research the bankruptcy code and any special laws unique to your state or county. Generally, filing pro se is only recommended when you are attempting a relatively simple bankruptcy and don’t have any major assets at risk.
If you are filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you might want to ask your attorney about reaffirming part of your debt, a process that will allow you to preserve a debt through bankruptcy so that you can pay it off. It might sound strange to consider keeping a debt.
What? you might be thinking. Reaffirm a debt? Isn’t bankruptcy an opportunity to wipe the slate clean?
It is, but reaffirming a debt might have some benefits. Some proponents of this strategy argue that if you continue to pay on one or two of your existing accounts, you will help your credit score by showing credit-scoring bureaus that you did not shirk all your debt. Reaffirming a debt that is in good standing may help you in some circumstances, such as when you have a small amount on a credit card you have had for several years. By keeping the debt, you will keep the account active and thereby take advantage of the age of the account. (Credit-scoring bureaus assign 15 percent of your credit score to the length of time of your credit accounts.)
However, if you reaffirm too many debts, you will miss the best opportunity offered by bankruptcy: a chance to start over without bearing the weight of your previous debts. Reaffirming debt is a complicated decision and among the bankruptcy options you should discuss with a qualified attorney.
If you are considering your bankruptcy options, be sure to do your homework and make the best decision for your situation. If you are unable to avoid bankruptcy, being strategic as you work through the process will help you gain some control in your life and start working for a brighter future. And, of course, don’t forget to start the process to repair credit after bankruptcy!
Should I File for Bankruptcy?
Should I file for bankruptcy? If you have creditors that are calling at all hours and bills that are piling up faster than you can pay them, you have definitely asked yourself this question. While you should always pay back your bills—it’s the right thing to do—you might have no choice but make a clean break. One of the harder bankruptcy facts to accept is that sometimes bankruptcy is the best option.
If you are wondering, should I file for bankruptcy?, spend some time thinking about your various options:
- You might think about debt consolidation, which can combine all your debts into one loan so that you can make one payment at a time.
- Hiring a reputable debt consolidation company is also an option, but like debt settlement companies, some unscrupulous companies might end up costing you time and money.
- Loan modification programs and reductions in payments are another option for distressed homeowners. Perhaps you can contact the hardship departments for your creditors and ask them to consider a change in terms that will allow you to float above water. Especially during a financial crisis, banks want to help their clients make their payments. They know that many people are teetering on the verge of bankruptcy. In fact, you might want to call your mortgage lender and ask: “Should I file for bankruptcy, or can I qualify for a loan modification program?” Rather than having all your debt discharged during a bankruptcy, many creditors will simply lower your payments. After all, something is better than nothing.
“Should I file for bankruptcy if none of these options are available?”
That said, if you have exhausted all options, you might want to consider filing bankruptcy, especially if you face the possibility of losing property. (Bankruptcy enables many people to hold on to their property despite their financial woes.) The first determination that you need to make as you consider bankruptcy is based on your finances. If you are in a situation where you can’t dig yourself out from a mountain of debt, then bankruptcy can stop creditors from charging late fees and interest on your bills. If you are at this point, considering one of the various forms of bankruptcy options may be the best option so you can make a fresh start. Plus, you won’t have to worry about being harassed by creditors every day and losing sleep as a result of worrying about your debts.
That said, a bankruptcy will definitely harm your credit, but if you are already too deeply in debt to repay your debts, your credit will probably be severely tarnished after several more years of collection notices and repossessions.
Once you declare bankruptcy, the next step in regaining your credit is to embark on a robust credit repair campaign. If you can improve your credit score by changing your habits and paying your bills on time, you can slowly begin regain financial stability. In fact, if you are diligent about repairing your credit and establishing good financial habits, you might even qualify for a home loan within two years of declaring bankruptcy!
Ultimately, your question—”Should I file for bankruptcy?”—is a personal one. You must learn how to create a budget, consider all of your bankruptcy options, and then make a strategic choice. If you cannot find a light at the end of the tunnel and know that bankruptcy is eventually inevitable, you should begin the process today so you can start rebuilding your future and your credit score.
Collections Account on Credit Report: Option #4
Here is the riskiest option for dealing with collections account on credit report. In fact, before you read about this option, I should tell you that I think paying your debt is your responsibility. It is always the right thing to do.
Collections Account on Credit Report: Option #4
But some folks do not suffer from a crisis of conscious, so they want to employ this option for dealing with a collections account on credit report. They simply refuse to pay the collection item, arguing these pros:
Your credit will be only nominally affected four years from the last payment you made on the account, and it will being to improve significantly in as little as two years. And of course, if you do not pay the collections account on credit report, you have lots of room to try to negotiate for a letter of deletion down the road.
But before you employ this option, be sure you know about the cons:
- You could get sued.
- Creditors will continue to contact you.
- Your will never satisfy your agreement with the creditor.
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