Removing a Bankruptcy From Your Credit Report
I host Question & Answer sessions for students who need help rebuilding their credit score. Removing a bankruptcy from a credit report and rebuilding credit after a bankruptcy are both frequently asked questions on these calls.
Below is one of the many questions I received and my response.
Question: Can you give me the specifics on how to remove a bankruptcy from my credit report?
Answer: Forget all you’ve heard about how to remove a bankruptcy from your credit report because I have a very different approach to this topic.
First of all, I assume your bankruptcy is legitimate. You, not someone else, are responsible for it. This simply means you are not a victim of identity theft and the bankruptcy on your credit report is legitimately yours.
With that assumption, here is my answer: You cannot get it removed and you should not worry about getting it removed. Wait! Before getting discouraged and losing hope, let me explain my approach to handling bankruptcies.
It isn’t necessary to remove a bankruptcy from your credit report. Yes, that’s right. Even though a bankruptcy is on your credit report, it will not prevent you from reestablishing your credit after bankruptcy. Don’t believe the statement that your credit is ruined for seven years. You can have a 720 Credit Score in just two years after the bankruptcy.
Don’t search for someone to help you remove a bankruptcy from your credit report. Many people and/or organizations will say they can help you remove a bankruptcy for a fee. Don’t believe them! They will tell you they can remove a bankruptcy from your credit report and may offer a “100% money back guarantee.” The truth is that you won’t be able to get your money back. There are no legal ways to remove a legitimate bankruptcy from your credit report. Save your money and avoid these scams.
Removing a legitimate bankruptcy from your credit report is illegal! According to the FTC, it is illegal to get an item off your credit report that is correct.
Here is the one simple solution that works every time: Reestablish your credit after a bankruptcy the same way you established credit the first time. Start now, don’t delay.
Learning to rebuild credit is simple, just keep in mind that it’s going to take you between 12-24 months to get a credit score over 720, assuming you do it the right way. The biggest mistake people make is wiping their hands of all credit. Never do that because no credit is just as bad as bad credit.
Please check out my free ebook: “Rebuilding Your Life After Bankruptcy… It’s Easier Than You Think” You will learn a lot of very valuable information.