My wife is going to shoot me…
Sometimes, people wonder whether I really read all the comments on my blog.
I do …
… even when I just got back from a nine-day vacation with my wife and kids.
You see, I just got back from the Bahamas. Technically, I’m “out of the office” until Monday, so my beautiful wife, Lily Tirone, is going to shoot me if I spend too much time writing this. But just to prove to you that I do read every single comment, I wanted to respond really quickly to one of them from last week’s email and blog…
One of my readers asked why I didn’t take a simpler vacation with all the kids instead of buying all those plane tickets and hauling my brood through security. True, we could have driven just 20 minutes and had a nice family vacation. I could have saved the money on airfare and taken my wife to the Bahamas another time.
But here’s the thing…
If I took the kids on a trip down the road, I would have ended up working a ton more than I worked. It wouldn’t have been enough of a change in scenery to cause me to make the psychological shift necessary to focus 100 percent on my family.
Because I was a very long way away from home, I felt separated from all the distractions. In fact, I didn’t checked in with my staff while I was in the Bahamas. Lily, the kids, and I enjoyed our time together, and I made sure that my time was protected so that I could spend it with the people who matter most.
I’ve found that in reaching a goal, it is critical to create an environment that allows a psychological shift to occur. This is true with the delicate balancing act of family and work. It’s also true when it comes to getting your finances in order.
If you are struggling with debt, credit, or other financial problems, ask yourself how you can change your physical environment so that you are more likely to create the psychological shift necessary to fulfill your financial goals.
Maybe that means logging your purchases and reviewing your budget monthly. Maybe it means dedicating 10 minutes a day to reading books about financial management. Maybe it means joining Debtors Anonymous.
And be sure to share your ideas below! I promise to read them all!